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Palau Things to do

All Activities

Experience the beautiful islands and wonderful reefs of Palau by snorkelling or kayaking. During the ...

5 to 8 hours

Koror Book Now

You will explore Palau's hidden rainforest during extreme driving expeditions, ranging from 4 to 8 ho...

4 to 8 hours

Koror Book Now


Experience Palau's rich and unique culture and history on our Big Island tour. Our tour encompasses t...

4 to 8 hours

Koror Book Now

Koror City Tour

0 Rating


Personal guided tour of the towns areas of interest, we'll also show you unique local spots for great...

4 hours

Koror Book Now

Enjoy Stand Up paddle boarding through the islands with our local expert staff. Mandatory State Permi...

4 to 8 hours

Koror Book Now

Enjoy 3 days of diving in Beautiful Palau with Neco Marine. Witness spectacular diving and the amazin...

3 days

Koror Book Now

We offer a one of a kind experience that ensures your dive and island vacation in Palau is as carefre...

6 to 8 hours

Koror Book Now


Palau States