The Magic Of Polar Lights Aurora In New England

Well this weekend the best time for Canada & US people to see the beautiful Northern lights. Earth is working as a strong magnet. Northern lights are occurring when the charged particle from the Sun are connecting with the magnetic fields of earth. Yellowish - green is the common aurora colour. Variations in colour are sometimes happening due to the type of magnetic particles that are colliding. The truth about this collision has been suspected in 1880's.
Northern lights usually can see in Northern and southern hemisphere in an oval shape, in the North it is known as Aurora borealis' and in the south it is known as Aurora austrails'. Winter is considered as the best time to view auroral displays. Clear night and long periods helps to see the beautiful displays easily.
Large numbers of people are gathering at this time to be a victim of this beautiful phenomenon. The best places to watch the lights are in the north-western parts of Canada, particularly the Yukon, Nunavut, Northwest Territories and Alaska, southern tip of Greenland and Iceland, the northern coast of Norway and over the coastal waters north of Siberia.
The speed of Aurora is normally 50 miles to 400 miles above earth's surface. Sometimes we may think that the lights are dancing. So get ready to watch the wonderful dancing lights of Aurora. The agency said geomagnetic activity was expected to rise Friday, Sept. 27, 2019, and likely reach moderate storm levels on Saturday, the 28th, 2019. The colorful, dancing lights could also be visible early Sunday morning. Massachusetts is one of the best place to watch this dancing sky.

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