Malanada Temle


Photo: alanbatt

About Malanada Temle:

The idol-less temple is dedicated to the notorious Kaurava. Duryodhana was served food and water when he was found tired by the low-cast Kuruvas here during his pursuit of Pandavas. As a custom, the priest of the temple is from Kuruva community. The rituals and customs are Dravidian. Animal sacrifice was a usual practice here earlier. Following vehement protests from enlightened citizens this deplorable practice is discontinued now. During worship a rooster wanders around symbolically. In the 2nd Friday of Meenam (March/April) there is festival when Duryodana's favoured beverage toddy is brought by the devotees as offering. As the toddy is in great demand during this day, the devotees who are unable to get toddy bring tamboolam (betel nut and arcecanut),red silk or a rooster as offering. Malanada is located 14 km away from Sasthamkottra.


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